The Robert L. Decker and Benjamin Muns Friendship Memorial Scholarship is awarded in memory and recognition of two Ford Motor Company executives who worked together and, as friends, died together in a small airplane crash in June, 1990.
The two men were committed to increasing productivity while enriching the quality of the work-place environment. Their wives created this scholarship to facilitate the continuance of the zest for life, concern for others, ideals and goals held by the two. This memorial provides graduate study opportunities and recognizes contributions of graduate students with disabilities.
Winners are selected by review of applicant achievement in a variety of areas including: academics, quality of references, clear definition of goals, pre-professional achievements including demonstrated leadership ability, demonstrated financial need, and quality and coherence of written essays. Recipients are encouraged to recognize this program as an investment in ability and are in turn challenged to invest in others by contributing as a donor to this program as they achieve success in a professional career.

The Robert L. Decker and Benjamin Muns Friendship Memorial Scholarship is awarded in the spring to a qualified student with a disability enrolled in a graduate degree program at Michigan State University for the following fall, spring or summer semester. Based on endowment performance, the scholarship generally produces two or more scholarships of approximately $5,000 each.
This donor-supported program provides awareness and expanded opportunity for persons with disabilities. You can help support this initiative or find out more about other RCPD programs and giving opportunities by visiting the Make a Gift page.
Inscribed commemoration plaque featured with the RCPD's Tree of Giving.