The Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) hosted their 50th Anniversary Awards and Appreciation Reception on April 29th, 2022 at the Kellogg Center. This reception recognizes and honors the outstanding achievements of scholarship recipients, exceptional faculty and staff, and generous donors supporting the RCPD mission. The reception welcomed 86 in-person attendees and 66 viewers virtually. 14 students were awarded with scholarships that totaled over $63,000.
The reception honored the 50th anniversary of the RCPD, celebrating its past, present, and future of championing the abilities of people with disabilities. RCPD has pioneered change on the MSU campus, making architecture, technology, and programs more accessible for students, faculty, and guests. RCPD celebrates the diversity of the students and faculty registered with the organization, and recognizes that each individual can achieve success, despite their separate challenges, through a variation of strategies. Director Michael Hudson comments on the RCPD’s services by saying, “Tough challenges demand creativity and a can-do approach. This is the notion that has helped generations of Spartans grow through unique disability challenges with fortitude and innovative spirit that we recognize as Maximizing Ability and Opportunity. From the day I began a career at MSU, over 30 years ago, I have realized MSU as a special place where ambitious students arrive, gain community, develop skills, and grow into leaders. Disabilities appear without warning and create a call for action, the community we have built here at MSU is rich with action, it is where ambition meets innovation. Our community of pioneers and innovators greets students with hope, insights, strategies, and networks for success.”
The reception was opened with remarks from Michael Hudson, RCPD Director, and Dr. Samuel Stanley, President of Michigan State University. Then Ishaan Modi, Senior, studying Social Relations and Policy, and Madeleine Russell, Senior, studying Microbiology, took the stage as Master and Mistress of Ceremony. Along with notable RCPD programs and efforts being recognized, many awards and scholarships were provided during this ceremony, including the Spirit of Ability Award and the Student Leadership and Service Award.

The Spirit of Ability Award commemorates the heritage of MSU founders who saw beyond disability, opening higher education to people whose disabilities were commonly perceived to preclude excellence. Recipients are leaders within the MSU community who create vibrant environments that welcome each person to reach their fullest potential. This award was created in honor of many RCPD leaders and pioneers, all who shared the spirit of ability: May Shaw, Judy Gentile, James Hamilton, Dorothy Milbrook, James Bristor, and Caleb Sandoval, a RCPD Ability Access Specialist who passed away early in 2022. Caleb was an enthusiastic leader who applied his personal experience to foster ability through friendship, empathy, and shared insights. Caleb upheld the “Spartans Will” mantra through his contributions to the RCPD and through his service to others. This year (2022), Dr. Jonathan Weaver was recognized with the Spirit of Ability Award. Dr. Weaver is an Assistant Professor in Psychology and Social Science who has made MSU a more inclusive environment for all Spartans. The student who nominated Dr. Weaver says, “Dr. Weaver goes above and beyond to accommodate RCPD students. ALL of his content is accessible for a screen reader, he has closed captioning, and he puts trigger warnings in lectures with sensitive topics. Dr. Weaver genuinely cares for his students’ learning AND overall well-being. He is respectful of people with all identities and I could not feel more supported in his class. If anyone deserves an award for supporting RCPD students, it is him!” Congratulations to Dr. Weaver!

The Student Leadership and Service Award recognizes student leadership within RCPD and the broader MSU community. These students uphold MSU core values of quality, inclusiveness, and connectivity as they prepare for lives of purpose. The award was created in honor of Jack Shingleton and Marge Chmielewski. Jack was a World War II veteran and served MSU in a variety of ways, including as Director of Personnel, Acting Athletic Director, Interim Director of Alumni Relations, and MSU Trustee. Marge was the RCPD Director from 1994-1999 and served as a mentor to many throughout her time with RCPD. This year (2022), Mandy Zuckerman, Tower Guard alumna from the class of 2020-2021, received the Student Leadership and Service Award for her contributions towards making Beaumont Tower more accessible. During her time in Tower Guard, Mandy noticed that for an organization that represents accessibility and inclusivity, the space in which they meet, Beaumont Tower, is not accessible itself. This iconic monument represents the legacy that Tower Guard, one of MSU’s oldest organizations that serves the RCPD, takes pride in. Mandy stated, “It struck me that making the Tower accessible was something that needed to happen to make sure that everyone could experience the rich history behind its doors.” Mandy’s idea of making Beaumont Tower accessible for all instantly took off, and she was able to develop a team of Tower Guard members who were dedicated to working on different aspects of the project. In their semester together, the team produced a detailed video tour of the Tower and an 8-page description to paint a picture of the Tower for someone who is visually impaired. Liz Fuller, lead Tower Guard advisor, assisted Mandy in this groundbreaking project, commenting, “I am so excited for this year’s [2020-2021] Tower Guard group to be spearheading an initiative to make Beaumont Tower, a historic landmark and notoriously inaccessible building, accessible to all!” Congratulations to Mandy!
Many other achievements were recognized along with the Spirit of Ability Award and the Student Leadership and Service Award. The 50th Anniversary Awards and Appreciation Reception can be viewed virtually here: