MSU students take large strides in advancing technology for the ALS community. The team, consisting of Claire Kendell, Jessica Stevons, Sean Arnoldt, Don Gorton, Nicholas Boblet, and Brennan Koehler, sought to upgrade the original MSU SCATIR (Self-Calibrating Auditory Tone Infrared) Switch. The team was led and sponsered by Stephen Blosser, former RCPD employee. This assistive device is designed for persons who have difficulty in accessing mechanical switches and enhances communication. The SCATIR Switch is worn by the user as a pair of wired glasses that is connected to a switch box that lights up when the user blinks. By adding Bluetooth capabilities, the team increased the switch’s accessibility and usage, allowing it to connect to devices such as tablets, phones, and other Bluetooth compatible technology. This contribution minimizes the switch’s use of cords, which is significant in that people with ALS may not have physical ability to plug the wire into a computer or other device in order to speak or type messages. The team also added a USB charging port to increase ease of charging by utilizing a more universally owned charging cord. Overall, the efforts of this team was a great success, providing an upgraded solution for individuals with motor communication difficulties.
Watch the team's final presentation here: